AESTHEFILL – premium injectable solution for volume restoration, wrinkle smoothing, and skin elasticity improvement.
AESTHEFILL AESTHEFILL – premium injectable solution for volume restoration, wrinkle smoothing, and skin elasticity improvement.
Aeter Puri Eyes 2ml syringe
Aeter Puri Eyes 2ml syringe – under-eye treatment for hydration, brightness, and anti-aging.
Aeter Puri Eyes 2ml syringeAeter Puri Eyes 2ml syringe – under-eye treatment for hydration, brightness, and anti-aging.
Ami Eyes 2ML: Eye rejuvenation treatment for smoothening fine lines and enhancing skin elasticity
AMI EYES 2MLAmi Eyes 2ML: Eye rejuvenation treatment for smoothening fine lines and enhancing skin elasticity
ASCORBIC ACID INJ: Vitamin C injection for enhanced skin health and immune support
ASCORBIC ACID INJASCORBIC ACID INJ: Vitamin C injection for enhanced skin health and immune support
MELSMON PLACENTA: Premium placenta extract for skin rejuvenation and anti-aging
MELSMON PLACENTAMELSMON PLACENTA: Premium placenta extract for skin rejuvenation and anti-aging
CELLDRAW ABLE PEEL – premium solution for smooth, radiant, and youthful-looking skin.
CELLDRAW ABLE PEEL CELLDRAW ABLE PEEL – premium solution for smooth, radiant, and youthful-looking skin.
CINDELLA: Skin brightening and rejuvenating treatment for a glowing complexion
CINDELLACINDELLA: Skin brightening and rejuvenating treatment for a glowing complexion
Curenex – premium injectable solution for wrinkle reduction, hydration, and skin regeneration.
Curenex Curenex – premium injectable solution for wrinkle reduction, hydration, and skin regeneration.
DLMR HA Premium
DLMR HA Premium – premium injectable solution for hydration, wrinkle reduction, and skin elasticity improvement.
DLMR HA PremiumDLMR HA Premium – premium injectable solution for hydration, wrinkle reduction, and skin elasticity improvement.
Elastic Lab
Elastic Lab – premium injectable solution for wrinkle reduction, hydration, and skin elasticity improvement.
Elastic LabElastic Lab – premium injectable solution for wrinkle reduction, hydration, and skin elasticity improvement.
Etrebelle – premium injectable solution for hydration, wrinkle reduction, and improved skin elasticity.
Etrebelle Etrebelle – premium injectable solution for hydration, wrinkle reduction, and improved skin elasticity.
FIZE 200 MG – premium injectable solution for volume restoration, wrinkle smoothing, and skin elasticity improvement.
FIZE 200 MGFIZE 200 MG – premium injectable solution for volume restoration, wrinkle smoothing, and skin elasticity improvement.
GTM GOLD CELL PDRN: Powerful DNA-based therapy for improving skin texture and reducing fine lines
GTM GOLD CELL PDRNGTM GOLD CELL PDRN: Powerful DNA-based therapy for improving skin texture and reducing fine lines
Lumi Eyes
Lumi Eyes – premium injectable solution for under-eye brightening, hydration, and fine line reduction.
Lumi EyesLumi Eyes – premium injectable solution for under-eye brightening, hydration, and fine line reduction.
LAENNEC: Anti-aging and skin regeneration treatment for youthful, glowing skin
LAENNECLAENNEC: Anti-aging and skin regeneration treatment for youthful, glowing skin
LIDOCAINE HCI INJ: Local anesthetic for pain relief and numbing during medical procedures
LIDOCAINE HCI INJLIDOCAINE HCI INJ: Local anesthetic for pain relief and numbing during medical procedures
MULTI VITA INJ: Vitamin-rich injection for energy boost and immune system support
MULTI VITA INJMULTI VITA INJ: Vitamin-rich injection for energy boost and immune system support
NANO CANNULA: Ultra-fine needle for precise and minimal discomfort injections
NANO CANNULANANO CANNULA: Ultra-fine needle for precise and minimal discomfort injections
KIARA REJU: Powerful solution for boosting skin elasticity and reducing fine lines and wrinkles
KIARA REJUKIARA REJU: Powerful solution for boosting skin elasticity and reducing fine lines and wrinkles
Olidia PLLA
Olidia PLLA – premium injectable solution for volume restoration, skin tightening, and collagen production.
Olidia PLLA Olidia PLLA – premium injectable solution for volume restoration, skin tightening, and collagen production.
PILLOX Shining 250
PILLOX Shining 250 – premium injectable solution for even skin tone, hydration, and radiance.
PILLOX Shining 250PILLOX Shining 250 – premium injectable solution for even skin tone, hydration, and radiance.
Plejuv – premium injectable solution for hydration, wrinkle reduction, and improved skin elasticity.
Plejuv Plejuv – premium injectable solution for hydration, wrinkle reduction, and improved skin elasticity.
Power Col Tra 365 MG
Power Col Tra 365 MG – premium injectable solution for volume restoration, skin elasticity, and collagen production.
Power Col Tra 365 MGPower Col Tra 365 MG – premium injectable solution for volume restoration, skin elasticity, and collagen production.
Ranidase – premium injectable solution for aesthetic adjustments and hyaluronic acid breakdown.
Ranidase Ranidase – premium injectable solution for aesthetic adjustments and hyaluronic acid breakdown.
REJURAN: Skin rejuvenation therapy with PDRN to restore vitality and repair damaged skin
REJURANREJURAN: Skin rejuvenation therapy with PDRN to restore vitality and repair damaged skin
Riox CO2 Mask
Riox CO2 Mask – premium skincare solution for hydration, elasticity, and radiance enhancement.
Riox CO2 Mask Riox CO2 Mask – premium skincare solution for hydration, elasticity, and radiance enhancement.
SAPPIRE PDRN – premium injectable solution for hydration, skin repair, and collagen production.
SAPPIRE PDRNSAPPIRE PDRN – premium injectable solution for hydration, skin repair, and collagen production.
Sculptra – premium injectable solution for volume restoration, skin elasticity, and collagen production.
Sculptra Sculptra – premium injectable solution for volume restoration, skin elasticity, and collagen production.
SOSUM PCL Solution
SOSUM PCL Solution – premium injectable solution for volume restoration, skin elasticity, and long-lasting results.
SOSUM PCL SolutionSOSUM PCL Solution – premium injectable solution for volume restoration, skin elasticity, and long-lasting results.
SOSUM Stem Cell Activator
SOSUM Stem Cell Activator – premium solution for hydration, collagen production, and skin renewal.
SOSUM Stem Cell ActivatorSOSUM Stem Cell Activator – premium solution for hydration, collagen production, and skin renewal.
SYNIRO – premium injectable solution for hydration, wrinkle reduction, and skin elasticity improvement.
SYNIROSYNIRO – premium injectable solution for hydration, wrinkle reduction, and skin elasticity improvement.
VITAMIN C INJ: Powerful antioxidant injection for skin health and rejuvenation
VITAMIN C INJVITAMIN C INJ: Powerful antioxidant injection for skin health and rejuvenation