Bijunel Beauty-Line: Non-surgical solution for enhancing facial contours and improving skin elasticity
BIJUNEL BEAUTY-LINEBijunel Beauty-Line: Non-surgical solution for enhancing facial contours and improving skin elasticity
CINCELAR PLUS – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
CINCELAR PLUSCINCELAR PLUS – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
CS LAB V-LINE – premium injectable solution for facial slimming, V-line shaping, and skin tightening.
CS LAB V-LINECS LAB V-LINE – premium injectable solution for facial slimming, V-line shaping, and skin tightening.
CURENEX LIPO – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
CURENEX LIPOCURENEX LIPO – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
Dr. Lipo+
Dr. Lipo+ Fat Reduction Treatment: Effective solution for body contouring and weight loss
Dr. Lipo+Dr. Lipo+ Fat Reduction Treatment: Effective solution for body contouring and weight loss
F&B – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
F&BF&B – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
Kabelline: Fat dissolving injection for targeted fat reduction and body contouring
KabellineKabelline: Fat dissolving injection for targeted fat reduction and body contouring
Lemon Bottle
Lemon Bottle for skin hydration and rejuvenation treatment
Lemon BottleLemon Bottle for skin hydration and rejuvenation treatment
Light Fit Premium
Light Fit Premium – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
Light Fit PremiumLight Fit Premium – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
LIPO SELA – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
LIPO SELALIPO SELA – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
Lipo Lab: Injectable fat burning solution for targeted body contouring and weight loss
LIPO LABLipo Lab: Injectable fat burning solution for targeted body contouring and weight loss
LIPO V PLUS PREMIUM – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
LIPO V PLUS PREMIUMLIPO V PLUS PREMIUM – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
MISFILL+ Diamond Face & Body
MISFILL+ Diamond Face & Body – premium injectable solution for hydration, contouring, and skin rejuvenation.
MISFILL+ Diamond Face & BodyMISFILL+ Diamond Face & Body – premium injectable solution for hydration, contouring, and skin rejuvenation.
NEOBELLA – premium injectable solution for double chin reduction and facial sculpting.
NEOBELLA NEOBELLA – premium injectable solution for double chin reduction and facial sculpting.
PILLOX Premium V-Line
PILLOX Premium V-Line – premium injectable solution for double chin reduction and V-line shaping.
PILLOX Premium V-LinePILLOX Premium V-Line – premium injectable solution for double chin reduction and V-line shaping.
PILLOX Premium V-Line 10ml
PILLOX Premium V-Line 10ml – injectable solution for double chin reduction and V-line shaping.
PILLOX Premium V-Line 10mlPILLOX Premium V-Line 10ml – injectable solution for double chin reduction and V-line shaping.
POWER DELETE – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
POWER DELETEPOWER DELETE – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, contouring, and skin tightening.
SAPPIRE SLIM – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, body sculpting, and skin tightening.
SAPPIRE SLIMSAPPIRE SLIM – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, body sculpting, and skin tightening.
Saxenda Pen: Injectable weight loss solution for appetite control and fat reduction
SAXENDA PENSaxenda Pen: Injectable weight loss solution for appetite control and fat reduction
ULTRA LIGHT – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, body sculpting, and skin tightening.
ULTRA LIGHTULTRA LIGHT – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, body sculpting, and skin tightening.
V-K 025
V-K 025 – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, body sculpting, and skin tightening.
V-K 025V-K 025 – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, body sculpting, and skin tightening.
Slim Point Solution: Effective fat dissolving treatment for targeted body contouring
SLIM POINT SOLUTIONSlim Point Solution: Effective fat dissolving treatment for targeted body contouring
Super V-line Sol
Super V-line Sol: Non-surgical solution for creating a slimmer, more defined V-line face
Super V-line SolSuper V-line Sol: Non-surgical solution for creating a slimmer, more defined V-line face
VNS – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, body sculpting, and skin tightening.
VNSVNS – premium injectable solution for fat reduction, body sculpting, and skin tightening.